A Thought about Choice
We were all given the distinct privilege and power of choice.
We can choose to make correct choices and we can also
choose to make incorrect choices.
As you use this tool of choice it’s important to remember
that truth should direct what we choose. As we grow up from
child to adult many things that we thought were true ended
up not being so. When we adjust our way of thinking and actions
towards the truth it is not always easy, both within ourselves
to change and also from others around us who don’t know the truth
yet (or don’t want to know), which can cause some conflict.
Don’t be hard on yourself if in the beginning you have a hard time
changing from something you thought was right to something you now
know is right. The great news is that following the truth always
ends up becoming easy.
It’s important to remember that what you think about will drive
you toward or away from your choices to do what is right.
You must think forward in the direction of your correct choices.
If you think about what you don’t want, then that’s exactly
what you will attract to your life. You can’t drive forward looking
in the rear view mirror.
Be clear on what you want;
Whatever it takes to keep your thoughts flowing in the direction of what
you seek is what you should be doing.
This applies to every part of your life…
If you want great Health, then make the correct choices.
If you want a great Spritual life, then make the correct choices.
If you want great Work, then make the correct choices.
If you want great Friends, then make the correct choices.
(For those of us who have children…)
If you want great Kids teach them to make correct choices,
and make correct choices for them.
I could go on and on but you get the idea.
Many people throw around the words, “Whatever it takes!” I’m
not sure they know exactly what that means.
“Whatever it takes” can be a very humbling experience, it can cause
you to take a good look at yourself in every way. Bringing oneself to
the point of asking questions that point to oneself as the cause
of incorrect choices instead of the outside world causing these
incorrect choices.
Correcting our thought lives can be very rewarding.
Once you get there, BOY OH BOY, life becomes good, no, I take that
back, Life will become great!
This ability to direct our thoughts places us in the position of
creating the results we desire. What you do with this God given power is
completely up to you. The choice is uniquely yours.
Sincerely by choice,